Sharangdhar Kutaj Compound COLITIS Colitis refers to inflammation of the colon/large intestine. Amoebiasis an intestinal illness causing visible mucus in the stool diarrhoea and dysentery occurs due to intestinal disturb bacterial flora or weakening of the intestine which allows bacteria to form colonies. Ingredients like kutaj vidang shunthi bel hing and daruhalad in Kutaj Compund destroy these colonies and restore the normal functioning of the colon. The tablet also reduces the swelling of the intestines and keeps them healthy. This stimulates their ability to metabolise thus treating the root cause. Do's : light food buttermilk ghee coconut water boiled water and food moogdal khichadi. Don't : Avoide food from street hawker heavy spicy food uncooked food excess intake of fluids alcohol smoking. It is available only in the pack of 1 container 2 container3 container. We are not catering bulk order.
Generic Name:
Kutaj Compound - 60 Tablets
Sharangdhar Pharmaceuticals