This honey has natural bee Wax Propolis and Pollen and is extremely healthy and therapeutic however wax and high pollen count o initiate early crystallization thus this raw honey might crystallize faster compared to the commercial processed honey available in the super stores but crystallization does not affect the value/quality of honey. Just put the jar in hot boiling water for 2-3 minutes and stir it well to bring frozen/crystallized honey back in liquid state. People with specific allergies/should consult a specialist before consuming honey. Avoid giving honey to below 1 year age. As this is a 100% natural product thus due to climatic area and flora changes each batch of honey may vary slightly in color aroma and taste.
Product Dimensions:
8.89 x 8.89 x 29.21 cm; 964 Grams
No Added Sugar
Ingredient Type:
Eucalyptus Forest Honey