Fold the filter paper along the crimped edge and place it inside in the cone-shaped V60 dripper. Pour hot water around the inside of the filter paper for about 5 seconds. Rinsing the filter helps seal it inside the dripper and also gets rid of any papery taste. Take the dripper off the pot and discard the rinse water. Pour your medium ground coffee into the V60 dripper. Gently shake the dripper back and forth to settle the grounds, then set it back on top of the pot. Make a half-inch indent in the middle of the coffee bed with your finger. Start your timer and slowly pour just enough water over the grounds to wet them evenly. Let it settle until the timer reads 45 seconds. Begin pouring continuously in small circles - about the size of a quarter - around the center of the dripper. Try to keep the water level steady below the rim of the dripper, and avoid pouring around the edges of the filter. Stop pouring once your timer reads 1:30. Allow all the water to drain through the filter. If your final time was longer than 2:15, your grind was probably too fine. If your final time was shorter than 1:45, your grind was probably too coarse. Remove the filter from the dripper, discard the grounds and enjoy your coffee.
Panella Foods and Beverages Pvt Ltd
TGL Co. The Good Life Company